Transportation of goods

Coloplast users are often very dependent on receiving a stable and adequate supply of products

Upstream and downstream transportation of goods accounted for approximately 12% of Coloplast’s total scope 3 emissions in 2022/23 compared to 15% in 2021/22. Given our growth rates, transportation needs will increase going forward, meaning that total emissions from transportation of goods will also increase. Coloplast mitigates emissions by substituting air with sea and ground freight. We have set an ambition to limit the use of air freight to 5% of total goods transported. In 2022/23, 2% of goods were transported by air.

Coloplast users are dependent on receiving a stable and adequate supply of products. In case of extraordinary events in the supply chain, Coloplast will prioritise user needs and, if needed, send products by air to ensure that they reach users in time.